Author: Dr. Emily Kalambaheti, Staff Clinician
I recently had the honor of representing Plasticity® Brain Centers as the keynote speaker at the “2nd Annual Making Connections: A Pediatric Brain Injury Resource Fair and Conference,” presented by Team Luke Hope4Minds and the Texas Brain Injury Alliance. This conference was held in Austin, Texas and was an amazing opportunity to meet families of children with brain injuries and to foster professional relationships.
I delivered a lecture on the Plasticity® Pyramid of Neurodevelopment as the conference kick-off. This topic is the "how” my team at Plasticity® achieves the outcomes that we do. The Plasticity® Pyramid of Neurodevelopment is developed from both embryological development and evolution. It illustrates that the complexity of most of our humanistic functions (cognition, communication, and behavior) are built on more simplistic functions that are typically overlooked by most rehabilitation providers. Similar to when a building's foundation is unstable, if the layers below cognition, communication, and behavior are lacking integrity, our ability to live life to its best is compromised to some capacity.
Before lunch, I spoke on Utilizing ReceptorBased® Therapies. The premise of this presentation is that our brain processes the environment through sensors called receptors. Through these sensors, we are able to interact with our world, and more importantly, they allow us a portal into neurorehabilitation.
Some of the topics presented at the conference included Vision Connection and Brain Injury, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, The Benefits of Acupuncture and Craniosacral Therapy after Brain Injury, Central Auditory Processing Disorder, Mindful Strategies and Neurofeedback for Patients Suffering from Post TBI Anxiety, among others.
Team Luke Hope4Minds is an inspirational non-profit organization created by Tom Siegel and Ronda Johnson. When speaking to Tom Siegel before the conference, his passion for bringing awareness and providing support and assistance to families with children with brain injuries was clear. Please visit the links below for more information on Team Luke Hope4Minds.
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