Published Studies

Paul E. Link1*, Emily Kalambaheti1, Megan Manno1 and Matthew M. Antonucci1 1Plasticity Brain Centers, United States Presentation: A 16-year-old female patient presented to Plasticity Brain Centers for evaluation and treatment of Post Concussive Syndrome and Dysautonomia with the following symptomatology: Findings: Upon intake she had a mitral valve murmur, 3:1 vein: artery bilaterally, bilateral exophoria, decreased extensor strength in the upper […]
Paul E. Link1*, Megan Manno2, Matthew M. Antonucci1, 3 and Emily R. Kalambaheti1* 1Plasticity Brain Centers, United States 2University of Central Florida, United States 3Carrick Institute, United States Presentation: A 11-year-old female patient presented to Plasticity Brain Centers for evaluation and treatment of symptoms relating to her previously diagnosed Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) with a co-morbidity of Tourette's Syndrome. Findings: Upon […]
Emily R. Kalambaheti1*, Megan Manno2 and Matthew M. Antonucci1, 3 1Plasticity Brain Centers, United States 2University of Central Florida, United States 3Carrick Institute, United States Presentation: A 67-year-old male patient presented to Plasticity Brain Centers for evaluation and treatment of mild cognitive impairment with the following symptomology: memory loss, fatigue, and frustration. Findings: When asked to rate his symptoms […]
Matthew M. Antonucci1, Emily Kalambaheti1, Mia Cozart1, Paul E. Link1 andDerek A. Barton1* 1Plasticity Brain Centers, United States Presentation: A 33-year-old male patient presented to Plasticity Brain Centers for evaluation and treatment of persistent symptoms of a traumatic brain injury that occurred six years prior. His symptoms included slurred speech, impaired cognition, and slow movements. Findings: During neurocognitive testing […]
Emily R. Kalambaheti1*, Megan Manno2 and Matthew M. Antonucci1, 3 1Plasticity Brain Centers, United States 2University of Central Florida, United States 3Carrick Institute, United States Presentation: A 35-year-old female professional skier presented to Plasticity Brain Centers for evaluation and treatment of post-concussive syndrome (PCS) following sport related injuries. She reported that she was no longer able to ski, […]
Emily R. Kalambaheti1*, Megan Manno2, Matthew M. Antonucci1, 3 and Paul E. Link1 1Plasticity Brain Centers, United States 2University of Central Florida, United States 3Carrick Institute, United States Presentation: A 24-year-old female presented to Plasticity Brain Centers for evaluation and treatment of Myoclonus-dystonia. Myoclonus-dystonia (M-D) is a movement disorder characterized by a combination of rapid, brief muscle contractions (myoclonus) […]
Matthew M. Antonucci1, Emily R. Kalambaheti1, Mia D. Cozart2 and Derek A. Barton1* 1Plasticity Brain Centers, United States 2University of Central Florida, United States Presentation: A 16-year-old male patient presented to Plasticity Brain Centers for evaluation and treatment of persistent symptoms of Autism and Asperger’s syndrome. His symptoms included anxiety, impulsivity, and difficulty with social awareness. Findings: During neurocognitive […]
Matthew M. Antonucci1, Paul E. Link1, Michael Greenwell1 and Derek A. Barton1* 1Plasticity Brain Centers, United States Presentation: A 22-year-old male patient presented to Plasticity Brain Centers for evaluation and treatment of persistent symptoms of post concussive syndrome (PCS) following a traumatic brain injury that occurred seven months prior. His symptoms included headaches, sleeping difficulties, and fatigue. Findings: During […]
Matthew M. Antonucci1, Emily R. Kalambaheti1, Megan Manno1, Brittany Forrester1 and Derek A. Barton1* 1Plasticity Brain Centers, United States Presentation: A 58-year-old female presented to Plasticity Brain Centers for evaluation and treatment of central vestibulopathy following dizziness and vertigo of idiopathic origin. Her symptoms included dizziness, pain in the jaw, lightheadedness, and balance problems. Findings: During intake, her Trails A […]
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