With a variety of cases and an overlap of symptoms with other mental illnesses, ADHD is very difficult to diagnosis. Clinicians differ in their criteria of this disorder and there is no objective metric for diagnosing ADHD. As a result, estimates of around one million children in the United State alone may be misdiagnosed with the neurodevelopmental issue because of vague indicators. Therefore, it is important to recognize the proper symptoms of ADHD that can help you determine whether or not you should seek a professional opinion.
For a broad symptom such as this one, it is important to consider this indicator on multiple levels. Since there is overlap with a number of other cognitive disorders, widening the criteria well help increase accuracy and efficacy of the self-assessment. A greater incidence of attentive difficulties whether in the classroom or completing homework assignments is an element of distractibility. Although you may be speaking directly to your child, there are times where he or she seems as though they are not focusing or even listening. The smallest deviations from a task can consume your child’s attention and their ability to complete a task before moving on to the next is rare.
Inability to Properly Plan
Children suffering from ADHD will often have difficulty processing and carrying out instructions if they require the child to construct and implement a plan for completion. As a result, there is a greater prevalence of mistakes on the assignments they attempt. Even if the task pertains to an activity they enjoy, the repetitive nature will still present challenges for them.
Again, this symptom is difficult to identify and can encompass a number of behaviors. For those with ADHD, they often have trouble relaxing and behaving in a quiet manner. They may be prone to spontaneous movements as they are unable to sit still resulting in squirming, fidgeting behaviors or sporadic bursts of energy. Often compounded with a loquacious disposition and a relatively short temper, children with ADHD are frequently on the move. Unable to remain inactive for a long period of time, their behavior often appears inappropriate.
Attributed to the problems with attention and focusing, children with ADHD typically struggle when they need to recognize the needs of others outside of their own. This is not to say they should be labeled as egocentric, rather at times they may act spontaneously so it seems as though they are acting before they think. As a result, they may be prone to interrupt people as they talk and have an inability to wait for their turn while playing games or speaking in class.
Creativity and Flexibility
Contrary to what you typically hear given the negative connotation associated with ADHD, there are symptoms of the disorder that can have a positive impact on your child’s behavior. Their proclivity for imaginative thoughts and daydreaming has them constantly working through a number of different thoughts at once. This inventive nature can foster advanced problem-solving capabilities in certain situations and they are more willing to consider new and alternate ideas.
Keeping these in mind, you can obtain a better understanding of your child and make the best decision for the next steps you should take!
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