
What you Need to Know About Autism Spectrum

The Autism Spectrum of Disorders, or ASD, is a group of complex neurodevelopmental disorders that impact how an individual perceives and interacts with the world (especially with other people). "The spectrum" includes the diagnoses of autism, Asperger's syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Delay (PDD) and Childhood Disintegrative Disorder. These conditions have a wide SPECTRUM of symptoms and severities. Interestingly, in ASD research, no abnormalities of the brain anatomy can be found. However, a phenomenon exists where regions of the brain are not communicating effectively. This is known as a "functional disconnection.”

How We Treat Autism Spectrum

We intentionally identify an individual with autism, as an "individual with autism," not an "autisitic individual.” With the large variations of symptoms and severities of the ASDs, this has become the foundation of our treatment approach. We don't treat a label called ASD. We evaluate the function and challenges of each child or adult with a spectrum diagnosis, and develop a program for that unique individual-- including primitive reflex remediation, OT, PT, vestibular, hand-eye coordination, coordination, sensory-motor integration, and more. Our goal is to develop the functional connections which will allow someone the ability to expand their potential to more easily, effectively, and independently navigate life which creates the ability to achieve more – both in the short and (more importantly) long term.

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