The assessment uncovers your challenges.
The initial assessment-- including the assessment of vital functions, balance, oculomotor function, cognitive function, reaction time, a review of history, physical examination, and most importantly YOUR goals-- provide our doctors and clinical team with raw baseline data about your brain's health and function, and what you define as a successful outcome.
The customized treatment plan is how we plan to address your challenges.
Once all assessment data has been collected, organized, and synthesized, in a matter of minutes, our clinical team digs into their knowledge, experience, and creativity to create an individualized (completely unique)
treatment plan that will either restore, or increase your brain's performance, and ALSO achieve your desired outcome.
The treatment sessions are where the work is done, to eliminate your challenges.
Once the team has established and explained their plan to you, it's time to get to work. We immediately begin implementing the prescribed strategies, and tailor them to your ability each session. Some people respond faster and others slower, so we collect data on your performance to track your progress.