October 15, 2019

7 Common Causes Of Dizziness And Balance Problems

Many people suffer from dizziness or balance issues, but these problems can be caused by many different things. In today’s blog, we’ll be sharing ten common causes of dizziness and balance problems as well as talking about how brain training such as dynavision can help. If you’re interested in learning more about the services we offer our Denver community, please contact us today! Though today’s post is focused on dynavision, we also provide neurofeedback, gyrostim, hyperbaric chamber therapy, baseline testing, and more. 

1. Migraine

When someone is experiencing a migraine, they can experience sensitivity to motion, which can cause dizziness. Many migraine sufferers understand their particular symptoms and are able to manage them, whether through medication or techniques such as laying down in a dark room.

2. Motion Sickness

Those who suffer from motion sickness experience dizziness in places like boats, cars driving on winding roads, or amusement park rides. This type of dizziness is relatively easy to anticipate or avoid.

3. Head Injury

A head injury, like those with concussions that we treat often here at NeuraPerformance Brain Center in Denver, are likely to experience symptoms of dizziness and problems with balance. We offer baseline concussion testing as well as dynavision technology — which utilizes a light board to measure performance and improve visual-motor skills — to aid in concussion therapy. Contact us today to learn more!

4. Inner Ear Problems

The inner ear is responsible for balance, so if you have any issues with your inner ear you are most likely going to experience dizziness and difficulties with balance. You might feel like you’re floating or have a heavy head, or difficulty walking at night or in the dark.

5. Hyperventilation

If you have a panic attack or are feeling fear or breathing heavily for any reason, you will feel light-headed and dizzy. The symptoms will lessen as you calm down and breathe more regularly. 

Excessive exercise can also lead to similar feelings of heavy breathing and dizziness. If you are working out extremely hard or exercising in the sun, be sure to hydrate as well, as dehydration can also cause dizziness.

6. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)

This is the most common cause of vertigo in adults, and occurs when the calcium crystals in your ear (the part of your body that controls balance) are dislodged. If these calcium crystals move elsewhere, you may experience dizziness when tilting your head back to look up. Dynavision, like the kind we offer at NeuraPerformance Brain Center in Denver, can help mitigate these symptoms.

7. Anemia

One of the symptoms of anemia, or low iron, is dizziness and balance problems. Anemia is most common in women and people with chronic diseases such as cancer, and affects the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen. Anemia can be helped by eating more iron rich foods such as chicken, beans, and spinach.

Brain Training at NeuraPerformance Brain Center

At our brain training center in Denver, we specialize in brain health, recovery, and brain training. We offer several specialized services that can help with dizziness and balance problems, including neurofeedback, dynavision, gyrostim, and more. We also perform baseline concussion testing, concussion treatment, and vestibular therapy. Let NeuraPerformance Brain Center in Denver work to help you.

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