October 10, 2016

Dynavision Has A Role To Play In Stroke Recovery

Originally invented to provide visual-motor skills training for athletes, and later used to offer similar benefits for laypeople who were trying to reverse visual or motor impairment, Dynavision D2™ is a revolutionary medical treatment for which new uses are being found every day.

Elsewhere on our website we discuss the ways that Dynavision is being used right here in Denver to help people recovery from injuries and illnesses. Now, we’d like to take a look at the way that Dynavision may also have a role to play in the lives of those who have survived a stroke.

What Happens During A Stroke?

Also referred to as a cerebrovascular accident, strokes are medical emergencies in which blood flow to a certain area of the brain is obstructed. “When this happens, brain cells are deprived of oxygen and begin to die. When brain cells die during a stroke, abilities controlled by that area of the brain such as memory and muscle control are lost,” explains Stroke.org.

In most cases, physical problems following a stroke are minor, such as temporary muscle weakness in certain extremities. In some cases, the effects can be more serious, potentially involving long-term paralysis or loss of vocal function.

How Can Dynavision Aid In Stroke Recovery?

By incorporating both physical movements with cognitive challenges, Dynavision has become a vital part of the stroke recovery process.

After training with the Dynavision instrument, stroke survivor Robert Choy was very please with the progress of his rehabilitation. "[It] helped me with my coordination and my reflexes, so I was able to drive by myself [so] that I don't have to depend on other people to take me around,” he told Fitness-Gaming.com.

Contact NeuraPerformance Brain Center in Denver to learn more about how Dynavision can be used for brain health recovery after a stroke.

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